Anthocyanosides are potent antioxidants, which help prevent and reverse the harm to cells caused by high reactive oxygen molecules called free radicals.
Research over the past three decades has pointed to the flavonoids in fruits such as bilberry as the medically active constituents. Bilberry contains more than fifteen types of naturally occurring anthocyanosides. Blueberries cranberries and huckleberries also contain anthocyanosides.
Anthocyanosides extracted from the fruit shown diverse activities in animals studies, a protective effect on the liberation of lactate dehydrogenase in heart and plasma and cardiac isoenzymes, indicating an angina protecting effect.
Animals studies show that diets high in anthocyanosides flavonoids retard the development of cataracts in rats.
Blackberries owe healing power to high levels of anthocyanosides in the pigment that give the fruits their dark color.
The antioxidants anthocyanosides in bilberry and blackberries and other fruits help strengthen retinal blood vessel, reducing that blood leakage.
Anthocyanosides in fruit
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