World Production and Yield of Mango
There is an estimated 3.7 million ha of mango worldwide. Mango production in 2004 was estimated at 26.6 million ton, ranked seventh in worldwide fruit production behind banana, grape, organs, apple, coconut and plantain.
The top ten mango-producing countries based on area of production include India, China, Thailand, Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Nigeria, Pakistan, Guinea and Brazil.
The top five largest mango-exporting countries are Mexico, India, Brazil, Peru and the Philippines with exports worldwide valued at US$560.4 million.
The top five mango importing countries are the USA, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh with imports valued at US$703.9 million.
Fruit are available year round depending upon production location and cultivar.
Production per ha varies greatly with average yields of 2-6 t/ha being common in some regions and with highest yields reported to be 10-30 t/ha.
Average yields for productive orchards range form 22 to 25 t/ha.
World Production and Yield of Mango
How to Reduce the Risk of Chemical Hazards
*Implement Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point systems in segment of
the food production chain.
*Implementing administrative type control measures.