Sunday, July 05, 2020

Euphoria malaiense or cat’s eye

Botanically name Euphoria malaiense. Mata kucing, or Cat's Eye when translated literally, belongs to the same family (Sapindaccae) as rambutan and pulasan.

The fruits are round, up to 2cm in diameter (some larger) with a rough, brownish skin, fruit borne on small bunches. The flesh is translucent, aromatic, white and sweet. The flesh thickness varies but is generally about 50mm thick whilst the seed is large in comparison to the flesh. The tree can reach up to 20 meters. The tree which is cultivated from the seed can give fruits 4 to 5 years. Fruit matures in about 120 days.

Mata Kucing is a close relative of Longan (Euphoria longana). The fruit originated in Malaysia and Indonesia where the plant is still found growing wild in forests.

The fruit is rich in antioxidants like most indigenous fruits. The seeds of mata Kuching contains gallic acid, a common type of the phenol antioxidant. Apart from that, saponins, tannins and fat also can be found.
Euphoria malaiense or cat’s eye

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