Sugars are naturally occurring sweeteners, the most common in our
nutrition being sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Fructose and
glucose are monosaccharides present in small amounts in fruits
and honey.
Fructose is a monosaccharide found in nature primarily in fruits. It’s
eaten as sucrose (common table sugar), which is composed of
equal parts of glucose and fructose. It is the sweetest of the naturally
occurring nutritive (caloric) sweeteners and has many unique functional
and nutritional properties that make it a valuable food ingredient.
Fructose is a hexose, with a chemical formula C6H12O6
identical to that of glucose.
When fructose is attached to a sugar called glucose, it forms sucrose or
‘table sugar.’ Long chains of fructose are called fructans and are
found in certain vegetables, wheat, and other foods.
Fructose is also found in sucrose (table sugar), honey, agave nectar,
fruit juices, fruit juice concentrates, pure crystalline fructose and
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
Monosaccharide of fructose in fruit
Role of Leavening Agents in Muffin Texture and Rise
Leavening agents are essential components in muffin recipes, as they cause
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