The ripe fruit is very wholesome and nourishing. Guava provide large amounts of the antioxidants vitamin C and beta carotene, which can block the effects of harmful oxygen molecules called free radicals, which can damage healthy tissues throughout the body.
Guava is a good source of vitamin C. The vitamin C in the guava enhances the absorption of iron and helps in preventing anemia.
Taking guava regularly makes the complexion fair and the skin soft and shining.
Vitamin C and calcium present in guava helps in tightening the capillary vessels and preventing bleedings of inner parts of body.
Vitamin C also play a role in preserving immune function and preventing oxidative damage caused by chronic inflammation.
Vitamin C may also contribute to the maintenance of a healthy vasculature and to a reduction in atherogenesis through the regulation of collagen synthesis, prostacyclin production and nitric oxide.
Vitamin C in Guava
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