Sunday, August 24, 2014

Nutrition of sweet cherry

There are over 500 varieties of the cherries, but only 15 are important commercially. Sweet cherries were once known as ‘bird cherries’ as their name (avium) indicate.

Sweet cherry’s water soluble dry matter content is between 10-20%. A significant proportion of the water-soluble dry matter comes from soluble carbohydrates, mono-and disaccharides (glucose, fructose and sucrose), which are main contributors to the energy content.

Fresh cherries are 80 to 84% water, Fresh cherries contains 70 calories (kcal) per 100 g. When cherries are canned in a syrup, the calories of the fruit per serving increase.

Sour cherries contain vitamin A and C, copper and manganese and sweet cherries have the same nutrition, with a little less vitamin A. Sweet cherries possess 110 IU of
vitamin A.

Two third total carbohydrates in sweet cherry is fructose (4.2 g/100 g) and this is significantly higher than glucose (2.2 g/100 g).

Sweet cherry also contains sugar alcohol, sorbitol (.76 g/100 g) which has a laxative effect.
Nutrition of sweet cherry

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