Garcinia mangostana is thought to be originated in Southeast Asia. The medicinal properties of the mangosteen pericarp have been utilized by many generations of Asian.
Mangosteen fruit is the richest known source of natural xanthine compounds. 50 xanthones have been found in mangosteen.
These powerful compounds go throughout the human body destroying free radicals that can cause inflammation and disease.
The xanthones show promise in helping to strengthen human immune system. The main xanthones are beta, gamma and alpha-mangostin and garcinone.
The xanthone derivatives Garcinone B and Garcinone E has in vitro cytotoxic activity against hepatocellular carcinomas. The alpha and gamma-mangostin also block serotonin and histamine receptors.
Mangosteen xanthones have been exposed to cancer cells in laboratory studies. In every in vitro study, mangosteen xanthones killed the cancer cells.
The xanthones of mangosteen
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